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Effect of concession-Timing strategies in auditor-client negotiations: It matters who is using them.

文章来源: 作者:孙岩 审核: 发布时间:2015年12月13日 点击数: 字号:【

1.题目: Effect of concession-Timing strategies in auditor-client negotiations: It matters who is using them.

2.作者: Yan Sun, Hun-tong Tan, Jixun Zhang

3.期刊(影响因子): Contemporary Accounting Research (1.782)

4.英文摘要: In this study, we examine how norms about the use ofnegotiationstrategiesby different parties in an auditor-clientnegotiationinfluence the relative efficacies of thesenegotiationstrategies. We conduct an experiment with experiencedauditors/financial managers as participants,whoenter into anegotiation on an income-decreasing audit adjustment with a hypotheticalclient/auditorwhouses astrategywhere the sameconcessionsare given either at the start, gradually, or at the end of thenegotiation. We find that theconcession-endstrategyis more effective than theconcession-startstrategywhen used by auditors; however, the reverse is true when these samestrategiesare used by financial managers. The concession- gradualstrategyleads to superior outcomes when used by eitherauditorsorclients. We also provide evidence thatauditors' and financial managers' perceptions of the norms relating to the use of thesestrategiescorrespond to what we propose in our theory.


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